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I really really like ASOS products and all the other brands that they sell!
Normally every 2 months a package arrives with some goodies I saw.
Last week I received my latest package.
First two things are lippies!
A Smith’s Rosebud tube and a Carmex stick. I truly love the Rosebud tube, it’s so convenient! You don’t have to stick your finger in the pot anymore! And the Carmex stick is also very nice, just the same as the pot and the tube.
Next is another dry shampoo! I saw this a few months ago, and now I got it. Only the nozzle is a bit unhandy… It isn’t a spray, but an open hole. So when you squeeze in it it’s an surprise how much comes out. But the product is lovely, something about the powder is very nice instead of the spray! And you can comb it out very easily.
Then some amazing nail polishes!
First is a really cute baby blue colour from Models Own, it’s called ‘Babt Blues’. It is very bright and a happy colour. But when I opened the pot the smell was really strong! It’s the smell of the nail polishes my mother had back in the day. But other than that I love the polish! It covers evenly and looks amazing.
Next polish is from Essie’s new fall collection, it’s ‘Sew Psyched’. I really adore this colour! It’s a very nice army green, very cool with a nice jacket and baggy jeans. It covers also nice and evenly , it only needs a top cover against chipping.
And last but not least is some jewelry.
A pretty long gold necklace with a charm of Saint Christopher, he protects the travelers ( so did my daddy told my ). It looks good with everything and it reaches half my tummy.
The last thing a got was a very cool wing ring! It’s silver and it covers 2 fingers. It has one hole for your ring finger ( in my case my ring finger, I think you can put it on your middle finger to! ).
I really like this ring and it looks so good!
Well this was all I got this time. I’m probably ordering some nice stuff soon because I received a discount code! So in a few weeks another blog will come up about that!
Love Roos
That means that when you pull out the brush there is no excess mascara on your brush.
Sometimes you have mascara’s that have a lot of excess mascara and you have to wipe it off on the opening of your mascara. Everything gets dirty and dries out.
That hassle is over know with this mascara.
I really like the brush as well!
It’s a plastic brush with a lot of spikes, for the million lash effect. It separates amazingly.
On the picture you see it on my lashes and that’s just one coat!
It also makes your lashes really long and sexy.
The mascara contains 9ml so that’s a lot for a mascara, because a lot of my other mascara’s contain 6,5ml. Only my Max Factor False Lash Effect contains more, 13.1ml.
So I really like this mascara and it’s easy to apply when I’m in a rush in the morning!
Love Roos
I know the following product isn’t new but I love it so much that you just have to know!
It is the Clarins Eclat Minute Embelliseur Lèvres ( Instant Light Natural Lip Perfector ).
I’ve got it in numbers 01 and 02.
01 is the ‘Reflet Rose/ Rose Shimmer’, a very nice light pink, which looks very natural.
02 is the ‘Reflet corail/ Apricot Shimmer’, a very beautiful peachy which gives a nice glow.
A really like these glosses, well they’re almost tinted moisturizers. They make your lips very soft and smooth. The formula is amazing to, it stays on your lips for a couple of hours and your lips won’t crack or anything!
The sponge applicator is very good to apply and the glosses really smell delicious, I almost want to eat them of my lips..
There is also one other colour ‘Reflet Beige’, a nice nude colour, which I’m going to buy soon!
Love Roos
In my search for the best dry shampoo I found a new one.
It’s the Lee Stafford Dry Shampoo Poker Straight. It’s a 150ml bottle and it’s cute and pink.
And the smell of this product is amazing! Very sweet and with a hint of flowers, it isn’t sickening sweet, because some sweet things make you nauseous but this not, I love this smell!
And the dry shampoo works really good! I doesn’t make my brown hair very white, just a little and you can shake that out really easily. Also you don’t get any white flakes in your hair, and just the smell, I love this product!!
I have some other Lee Stafford products that I’m going to review soon! And they also smell amazingly!
Love Roos
It’s a French company and its name is fully Eyes Lips Face.
They have amazing make-up and tools for amazing prices!
A lot of products are just 1 euro!
Then there is a studio line that is from about 3,50 to 8 euro’s. It is so cheap, and the quality is real good, not crappy or anything.
I’ll show you the things I got..
First is a mineral lipstick in the colour ‘runway pink’. It’s a nice pink, not to bright and just enough colour for your lips. The packaging is very nice either, it doesn’t look cheap. The price of this lipstick was 5 euro’s.
Next thing is a lipstain in the colour ‘birthday suit’, a bright pink in the pot but when you apply it you can make it less bright. I just dab it on my lips to give it the right colour. Also the gloss is kind of nice. I don’t really love this product because it doesn’t stay long on your lips. This was 3 euro 50 cents.
Next lip product I really love! It’s the luscious liquid lipstick in ‘baby lips’. I really like this gloss, it stays on for some hours and it gives your lips a sheer tingly feeling which I really like. Also the colour is just perfect, a hint of pink and a nice shine on your lips. This was only a whopping 1 euro! Really cheap.
Only down side is that there isn’t a lot of product in it, I think I will be done with it in a month. But then again it was only 1 euro..
Next two things are nail polishes, only 1 euro a piece! In the colours ‘champagne’ and ‘fair pink’. I really like fair pink, it’s just a nice white pink that looks very good on a bronze skin.
( fair pink on my nails )
Champagne I don’t really like, because the colour is way different than it looked on the website. On the website it looked kinda nude, but in real it’s a weird combination between pink and orange and red with some glitters, not really my cup of tea.
Then I got a concealer brush, a tiny bristle for just 1 euro. The thing is I don’t like it… The hairs are so short and hard, you can’t apply concealer with it, you’re just hurting yourself. It is on the other hand a good brush to make lines with for eyeliner or something.
Last thing which I absolutely love is the Flat Top Powder Brush from the Studio Collection!
It’s a nice black brush with a flat top, ideally for applying mineral foundation or bronzer or some mousse foundations.I saw someone on youtube using it for normal foundation. So it’s a multi-use brush.
It was only 3,50 for this amazing brush. It is so super soft and not one hair has fallen out since I got it, so it’s really worth it.
This was my package from ELF, soon I will do a post on my next ELF package, because I really like this brand and all the products are worth trying it.
Love Roos
I went to the Ici Paris XL in Rotterdam, because I had to pick up some things from my Clinique program that they didn’t have in the town I live, so I went to the city.
And they had an offer that the more you buy the more discount you got.
So I asked the sales women if Clinique had any good acne solutions masks.
But I don’t think she was a Clinique specialist because she immediately took me to the Sisley section of the shop and showed me a soap bar.
And she raved about it how good it is and that it will totally clear your skin and make it perfect.
I’m really sensitive for such sales talks, I believe everything!
So I was oh really then I will try it. This soap bar cost my 25 euro’s after discount, so that’s not really cheap, but the lady said that it will last my a year, so than it isn’t too bad.
I didn’t had really high expectations of the bar, but it really works!
My skin hasn’t been so good since weeks!
I just have some tiny imperfections but the rest of my skin looks amazing!
I do use my anti-blemish 3 steps from Clinique also with this, but since I start using this soap bar it really helped!
The only down side I have is that it’s a bar and you can’t really apply it easily on your face.
It sometimes hurts a little bit.
But who wants to be pretty has the suffer.
Love Roos
You’re either hate the next thing, or you’re totally loving it!
I’m talking about Uggs!
Some people just can’t get enough of these nice and furry boots, that make your feet super warm and are really comfy.
But other people really hate these boots. So if you hate them stop reading, because is really love them!
I got my new pair of Uggs.
They’re the Bailey Button Bomber.
It’s the normal Bailey Button model, but the outside is a really soft leather. They are so so comfy and they look very nice. I had them come all the way from the US, because in the Netherlands they were to expensive or they were not available.
I got them at
These people are so super nice, unbelievable.
With the shoes was a note, hand written, enjoy your purchase and some other sweet things.
So if I want my next pair of Ugg boots I’m definitely buying them at shoe-store!
But now further on the boots. They look really nice and they fit amazingly.
The leather outside is really nice for the rainy Netherlands!
With my normal classic shorts in grey I always got stains when it rained, and with this leather kind I don’t!
So I really love these boots!
This was my rave about Uggs! If you also want them I would definitely check out shoe-store because it’s a great store.
Love Roos!
School has begun, so I don’t have as much time to blog anymore, I’m sorry!
But here’s a quick post on my nail situation!
Remember my really bad nails?
Well thank god they have improved!
My left hand is almost perfect, and my right hand is doing better as well. The chipping has almost grown out.
So the Sally Hansen Miracle Cure worked! It’s an amazing cure and also a nice base coat, but you can also wear it on its own.
Also it helped that I don’t work as much anymore, because at work my nails always split.
One other thing that might helped was a new nail polish remover I got.
It’s Rimmel’s Nail Polish Remover, it has special vitamins and is strengthening.
So that was maybe also something that helped.
I hope I can do another post this week!
Love Roos
Lately I’m loving dry shampoo’s!
They are so practical and nice to use.
Recently I’m using Batiste Dry Shampoo Original, it’s in a green can.
I got this first by ASOS and a few months later I saw that they were selling this also at my local drugstores!
It’s really cheap, only 2 euro’s or something for a can.
Only problem I have is that my hair gets white of this, I have really dark hair so you get white bits in it after brushing your hair.
This isn’t for me a big problem because I always wet my hair for my curls.
But maybe for somebody else this could be a problem.
I really like the freshness of my hair after using this, it really feels soft and fresh again.
So I only wash my hair twice a week and use the dry shampoo also twice a week.
I’m going to buy some other dry shampoo’s to compare them.
I’m probably going to buy the Lee Stafford one, and maybe another drugstore one.
If you have some good dry shampoo’s let me know!
Love Roos
Today I got the new mascara from Clinique!
I saw it in the Grazia about 2 months ago, but it wasn’t available yet.
And now I got it!
And I love it!
The comb is soooo handy!
It’s a nice long comb and it reaches all of your lashes.
It makes your lashes so long, it’s amazing!
At the picture you see my lashes, and this is just one coat!
So they can get even longer, wow!
It isn’t in waterproof, for those who like that. I always like the normal formula better.
The price is reasonable to, it’s €20.
So that’s not super cheap, but also not super expensive.
I really recommend this mascara if you also want super long lashes!
Love Roos
Last week I got a new nail polish from Revlon.
It’s 029 Peach Petal. It’s from the same range as Gray Suede.
It’s a very nice pink with a hint of peach in it.
But when I put it on my nails it was horrible.
It is so streaky and the brush is horrible, I hate to put it on.
I needed 3 layers to make something out of it…
I do love to colour, it’s very nice and summery.
But I just hate the streakiness and the bristle.
I hope the streakiness will go away or something, like a miracle, but if that doesn’t happen I don’t know if I’m going to use this polish again even though I really love the colour.
Love Roos
Hi everybody!
I was just looking on ASOS and their beauty products when I saw the cutest brand!
It’s called Soap & Glory. It has the loveliest packaging ever!
All pink and a bit from the old days in the 1940s!
Sooo cute!
They also have amazing products!
Like ‘the scrub of your life’ body scrub.
And ‘Clean on me’ body wash.
They have so many products, and they’re all lovely.
But the problem is that ASOS won’t ship them outside the UK!!
Has anyone have an idea where I can get this in the Netherlands, or where I can order this online?
Because I need to have this, really!
Hi everybody!
I’m really troubling with my nails lately.
They chip and break like crazy, it’s not nice anymore.
Every nail is chipped and it doesn’t look pretty.
So I went to the perfumery I usually go, Ici Paris XL.
They advised me to use Sally Hansen’s Miracle Cure.
So I’m using it now, and I will give it a few weeks. In a few weeks I will do another post with the out comings of my test.
If your also troubling with your nails let me know which products you use!
Love Roos
Two days ago I bought the almost famous Gray Suede by Revlon.
I heard so much about it already, that I had to have it!
I went to a local drugstore DA and got it, it was the last they had, so I was very happy!
First time I put it on I didn’t really know what to think about it.
But now I have put it on my nails for the second time I LOVE it!
It’s an amazing colour, it’s like skin on your nails. A very nude look.
It’s an absolute summer colour.
At the picture the colour doesn’t show off like it does in real..
So you have to go out and test it in your drugstore to see the amazing colour.
At the picture the colour looks more beige with yellow I think, but in real it’s a perfect nude.
I put on two layers of polish to get this look.
The thing I didn't like is the bristle, it's very tin and a bit hard to apply. But other than that it's amazing!
Revlon had also some other nice polishes which I’m going to buy.
A nice peach, pink and mint kind of colour.
Love Roos