Lately I’m loving dry shampoo’s!
They are so practical and nice to use.

Recently I’m using Batiste Dry Shampoo Original, it’s in a green can.
I got this first by ASOS and a few months later I saw that they were selling this also at my local drugstores!
It’s really cheap, only 2 euro’s or something for a can.

Only problem I have is that my hair gets white of this, I have really dark hair so you get white bits in it after brushing your hair.
This isn’t for me a big problem because I always wet my hair for my curls.
But maybe for somebody else this could be a problem.
I really like the freshness of my hair after using this, it really feels soft and fresh again.
So I only wash my hair twice a week and use the dry shampoo also twice a week.
I’m going to buy some other dry shampoo’s to compare them.
I’m probably going to buy the Lee Stafford one, and maybe another drugstore one.
If you have some good dry shampoo’s let me know!
Love Roos