I really really like ASOS products and all the other brands that they sell!
Normally every 2 months a package arrives with some goodies I saw.
Last week I received my latest package.
First two things are lippies!
A Smith’s Rosebud tube and a Carmex stick. I truly love the Rosebud tube, it’s so convenient! You don’t have to stick your finger in the pot anymore! And the Carmex stick is also very nice, just the same as the pot and the tube.
Next is another dry shampoo! I saw this a few months ago, and now I got it. Only the nozzle is a bit unhandy… It isn’t a spray, but an open hole. So when you squeeze in it it’s an surprise how much comes out. But the product is lovely, something about the powder is very nice instead of the spray! And you can comb it out very easily.
Then some amazing nail polishes!
First is a really cute baby blue colour from Models Own, it’s called ‘Babt Blues’. It is very bright and a happy colour. But when I opened the pot the smell was really strong! It’s the smell of the nail polishes my mother had back in the day. But other than that I love the polish! It covers evenly and looks amazing.

Next polish is from Essie’s new fall collection, it’s ‘Sew Psyched’. I really adore this colour! It’s a very nice army green, very cool with a nice jacket and baggy jeans. It covers also nice and evenly , it only needs a top cover against chipping.
And last but not least is some jewelry.
A pretty long gold necklace with a charm of Saint Christopher, he protects the travelers ( so did my daddy told my ). It looks good with everything and it reaches half my tummy.
The last thing a got was a very cool wing ring! It’s silver and it covers 2 fingers. It has one hole for your ring finger ( in my case my ring finger, I think you can put it on your middle finger to! ).
I really like this ring and it looks so good!

Well this was all I got this time. I’m probably ordering some nice stuff soon because I received a discount code! So in a few weeks another blog will come up about that!
Love Roos